Customising the workflow#

Beyond customisation options of the models, the workflow gives you full control configuring, adapting, and extending models. There are two options:

  1. Configuration
  2. Adaptation


You can configure many aspects in the build process by changing configuration parameter values. You can, for example, change the temporal and spatial scope of the data and model, change data sources, and change the way raw data is preprocessed. We list and describe all configuration parameters in this documentation.

The configuration builds on Snakemake's configuration mechanism and consists of two parts: a default configuration ./config/default.yaml and a schema declaring all configuration parameters ./config/schema.yaml. To override configuration parameters, you can add another configuration file with just your updates or change parameter values on the command line when calling snakemake. For details on how the configuration mechanism works, please read Snakemake's documention.


When you change configuration parameters, please consider this important caveat of Snakemake: While Snakemake does understand that parameters have changed, it will not rerun rules with updated parameters by default (see also this feature request). To ensure that your configuration parameters are used, you must manually rerun all rules that use the updated parameter. The easiest is to start the build process from scratch by running snakemake clean.


Beyond configuration through parameters, you can adapt and extend the workflow in any possible way. You can adapt the data pre-processing steps and the way model files are generated, but you can also extend the model by adding your own model files or overrides. Customising Euro-Calliope in this way requires a solid understanding of the workflow management system Snakemake that we use.

Whenever we applied Euro-Calliope in our research we made use of this option. Below you will find a list of publications in which we applied Euro-Calliope models. These may serve as a starting point for you to understand the possibilities of the adaptable and extendable workflow.

  • Tröndle, T., Lilliestam, J., Marelli, S., & Pfenninger, S. (2020). Trade-offs between geographic scale, cost, and infrastructure requirements for fully renewable electricity in Europe. Joule, 4(9), 1929–1948. article DOIworkflow DOI
  • Tröndle, T. (2020). Supply-side options to reduce land requirements of fully renewable electricity in Europe. PLOS ONE. article DOIworkflow DOI
  • "Open Source Energiewende" multi-model analysis (2019) model DOIworkflow DOI